Your Number One Right During Pregnancy!
One thing I learned nearing the end of my pregnancy was that you NEED to be comfortable with your Doctor and your care. With first time pregnancies I was initially going to a Doctor who at first seemed alright. But further along in my pregnancy when I brought up concerns about my pregnancy he bypassed them as just normal pregnancy symptoms and as a new mom I accepted that and moved on. I felt slighted intimidated by questioning the doctor but something told me it was more then just normal pregnancy symptoms. Finally at the last four weeks of my pregnancy I went in for my appointment and he was discussing how he would handle my labor and delivery. I asked him what it would take pain wise before I could be induced because my pain had become unbearable. My doctor never looked up and replied that he has had smaller woman go past due and push out large babies vaginally just fine so he would just wait and see what happened. He also told me that once in labor I would labor for 18 plus hours before he would consider doing anything more.
THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW! I felt judged and disrespected by him for comparing me to others. I felt like there was nothing left to do I went home and proceeded to call other doctors. After calling a few doctors and hearing the same thing about getting my paperwork faxed over and it would be a week before I got an appointment I decided to call my office back and request a change in doctors to another one on site. They happily switched me over to another doctor which I saw there following week. I was relieved upon my next visit I was quite pleased. She allowed me to express my concerns and advised me on different ways to deal with the problems I was having. She even paid attention to my elevated blood pressure and assured me if it was the same the next visit I was to be induced. This is what I was looking for! Someone to take an interest in me as my own being and not just seeing me as a number. I was a human being. This is why I am an advocate for following your gut ( baby in this!!
I'll be posting more about my pregnancy and labor and delivery soon! :)
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